EVENT | Manifestation Party


If you need help conquering your vision, or maybe figuring out what that vision is, look no further than this Manifestation Party. This experience is designed to be a fun and nuanced gathering where we all together discover our internal spiritual goals and guide another towards how to properly manifest them.

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EVENT | Manifestation Party

6-9PM at the ECO-REFILLARY in Flesherton, ON
8 Toronto Road, Flesherton, ON N0C 1E0
OUTLINE | When we pour our purified intentions into our aspirations in a meaningful way, the universe has a way of bringing supporting our efforts. Manifestation is very personal, but there’s a magic to opening up and sharing your process with trusted friends. Break out the sage and spend a night manifesting with a few friends who get it… Manifestations are the sum of our intentions and aspirations coming into fruition. Manifestations identify goals, aspirations and desires, and are created through pure intention. It’s amazing what happens when you really and truly step into your life, face your fears, process it ALL and show up 100%. Manifestations work because you consciously put in the work and the steps to align with your intentions. It’s a practice like anything else and it requires an input of energy. The best place to begin is meditating, calling them out and speaking them to the Universe whether it’s on paper or in your heart. Begin planting the seeds for your manifestations and map out the steps with a manifestation party. Manifestation parties are a beautiful way to set intentions, clear out energy, gain clarity and connect through communal energy. It is primarily based on communal ritual and personal reflection.  
WHAT IT INCLUDES | The following is included in the Manifestation Party:

WHAT TO BRING | Please bring the following:

  • Your comfortable self with an open mind.
  • A pillow, blanket or matt for the meditation.
  • Any special paper clippings you’d like to add to your vision board. Many resources will be provided.
INVESTMENT | Purchase here to reserve your spot. Tickets are non-refundable. This is an at-cost event to keep it accessible to all and to be able to offer this magical experience to our community members. Cost for event ticket is $123.45.